Bay Area Hiker: Joaquin Miller Park Joaquin Miller Park

Featured hike
0.0: Start out from the ranger station and walk on Sanborn Drive back toward Joaquin Miller Road.
0.01: At a yellow gate turn left. Ignore the side trail to the left and walk straight down the main path, Sunset Trail.
0.07: Signed 3-way junction. Take the middle path (uphill) to remain on Sunset Trail.
0.08: Sunset Loop Trail departs to the left. Continue straight on Sunset Trail.
0.17: Other end of Sunset Loop Trail. Continue straight on Sunset Trail.
0.2: A path breaks off to the right, across the creekbed, while Sunset presses on uphill. Continue straight, following the sign "to Sequoia Bayview Trail."
0.4: Junction. Turn left onto Sequoia Bayview Trail.
0.95: Signed junction with Big Trees Trail. Continue straight on Sequoia Bayview Trail.
1.1: Signed two-part junction with Fern Ravine Trail. The hiking only path heads downhill to the left, and then a few steps later, climbs uphill to the right. Continue straight on Sequoia Bayview Trail.
1.2: Signed junction with Wild Rose Trail, another hiking-only path that heads downhill to the left and uphill to the right. Continue straight on Sequoia Bayview Trail.
1.4: A signed trail to the right shortcuts the route to Sequoia Arena. Continue straight on Sequoia Bayview Trail.
1.6: Junction. Turn left onto Chaparral Trail.
2.0: Junction. Turn left onto Sunset Trail.
2.2: Sunset Trail meets Palos Colorado Trail. Turn right onto Palos Colorado.
2.45: Junction near (shuttered) Sinawik Cabin and at the confluence of two creeks. Cross the bridge and turn left onto Sinawik Trail. Cross the bridge.
2.75: Junction. Turn left to remain on Sinawik Trail.
2.8: Junction. Turn right onto Sunset Trail.
2.8: Unsigned junction. Continue straight (right) into the meadow. Follow a thin path running the length of the meadow.
2.9: Turn right and walk a few feet to the gate at Sanborn Drive, then turn right and retrace your steps back to the trailhead.
3.0: Back at the parking area.

Getting there:
From CA 24 in Alameda County, exit CA 13 (exit 5). Drive south on CA 13 about 3 miles, then exit Joaquin Miller Road (exit 2). At the base of the exit ramp, turn left, cross over the highway, then bear right onto Joaquin Miller Road. Drive uphill about 0.8 mile, then turn left onto Sanborn Drive (look for the Woodminster sign). Drive about 0.1 mile on Sanborn Drive, and park in the lot (or along the side of the road) near the ranger station.

GPS Coordinates* for Trailhead:
Latitude 37�48'37.50"N
(* based on Google Earth data, shown as degrees, minutes, seconds)

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© 2019 Jane Huber/Bay Area Hiker