Area wildflowers Browse through colors, link to individual flowers, or use the search bar to look for specific flowers. |
![]() Red (and brown) California fuchsia California poppy Clover, crimson Columbine, crimson Fetid adder's tongue Figwort Fringecups Giant vetch Giant trillium Indian pink Indian warrior Larkspur, red Lily, leopard Mission bells Paintbrush Scarlet pimpernel Shinleaf Spotted coralroot Sticky monkeyflower Thistle, venus Tiburon mariposa lily Wild ginger Wind poppy |
![]() Purple (and pink) Bleeding heart Buckwheat California harebell California larkspur California milkweed California milkwort California scorpionweed Calypso orchid Candyflower Cardoon Checker-bloom Chinese houses Clarkia, elegant Clarkia, purple Clarkia, red ribbon Clover, purple sac Clover, rose Coast hedge nettle Coyote mint Cress, Brewer's rock Cress, coast rock Currant Davy centaury Dense boisduvalia Elegant brodiaea Filaree, broadleaf Foxglove Geranium, cutleaf Geranium, robert Hedgenettle Hummingbird sage Iris Jewelflower Moonwort Oakland star tulip Onion, jeweled Owl's clover Panicled willowherb Phlox, slender Pincushion plant Pink sand verbena Purple mouse ears Redmaids Redwood sorrel Salsify Salmonberry Sea fig Serpentine linanthus Shooting stars Sickleleaf onion Starflower Swamp knotweed Tall stephanomeria Thistle, cobweb Thistle, milk Toadflax True babystars Variableleaf collomia Windmill pink Wood rose |
![]() Blue Baby blue-eyes Blue and white lupine Blue-eyed grass Blue witch nightshade Bluedicks Chia Chicory Forget-me-nots Gilia, bird's eye Gilia, blue field Gilia, California Hound's tongue Ithuriel's spear Larkspur Ookow San Francisco collinsia Vinegarweed |
Tips for flower identification Links: Bay Area Wildflowers Wildflowers at Coe Park Botanical Data Hosted at the Digital Library Project: Photos and info from Tilden's Botanical Garden advocacy group: Friends of the Regional Parks Botanical Garden California Academy of Sciences wildflowers site: California Wildflowers Some photos of flowers on Montara Mountain: Native Plants of Montara Mountain Some photos of flowers at Almaden Quicksilver County Park: Wildflowers of Alamaden Quicklsilver County Park If you're curious about etymology: Dictionary of Botanical Epithets Some wildlflowers at Almaden: Almaden Wildflowers |