Bay Area Hiker: Hiking Alone Hiking Alone

I hike alone about 99% of the time. When I was a hiking novice, it seemed like most of my friends, family, and acquaintances expressed worry about my new solitary hobby.  There are all kinds of statistics about trail safety; i.e. you're more safe on the trail than you are in your car on the way to the trail, etc. But number crunching has nothing to do with how each hiker feels out there in the wild. I try to honor my gut feelings about people and situations, and I have been scared while hiking, but only once or twice about people I've encountered on the trails. I have a standard story to be told to anyone who makes me uneasy by inquiring if I'm hiking alone. I will mention a husband/brother/father in the vicinity. But really, I've never felt the urge to lie. With most people I encounter, they (and I) seem content with a simple greeting. I generally feel more comfortable chatting with a solo woman, or a group with a woman or women in it. Actually, I guess I feel safe unless I encounter a solo male hiker. I'm certainly not out to slam men, but odds are, if anyone is out to hurt me, it'll be a man. There are measures I could take if attacked, but the tough part is that you can't control the behavior of someone else.
        What you can control is your behavior on the trail:

        Don't let anyone talk you out of hiking alone, if you enjoy it.